PHC 2017 Tuesday 31th - Morning
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08:30 Introduction
Patrick MARCELLIN (France)
08:40 - 10:10 HEPATITIS B - SESSION 1
Chairpersons: Ji Dong JIA (China) Georgios PAPATHEODORIDIS (Greece)
08:40 How to manage HBV patients in 2017?
George LAU (Hong Kong)
08:55 When can we stop NUCS in patients with chronic hepatitis B?
Seng Gee LIM (Singapour)
09:10 Long term impact of antiviral therapy (NUCs)
Pietro LAMPERTICO (Italy)
09:25 Round table discussion
10:30 - 11:30 HEPATITIS B - SESSION 2
Chairpersons: Michael MANNS (Germany) Shiv SARIN (India)
10:30 New targets for HBV therapies
Fabien ZOULIM (France)
10:45 New anti-HBV strategies
Edward GANE (New Zealand)
11:00 How to improve access to therapy for HBV patients?
Michael MANNS (Germany)
11:15 Round table discussion
Chairpersons: Richard MOREAU (France) Didier SAMUEL (France)
11:30 Prevention and treatment of variceal hemorrhage in 2017
Jaime BOSCH (Spain & Switzerland)
11:45 Why and how to assess renal function in cirrhosis
Paolo ANGELI (Italy)
12:00 Management of cholestatic diseases in 2017
Ulrich BEUERS (Netherlands)
12:15 The future of liver transplantation for viral hepatitis
François DURAND (France)
12:30 Round table discussion